The Big Move
Boxes, Boxes, Everywhere! This is all of the stuff that I had to move from my basement to the new place! I hope that there's room...and Vincent doesn't complain too much about all of my crap!
This is our living room. The fireplace is great! Instant flames at the flip of a switch! The closet to the left of the fireplace contains our lovely furnace and water heater.
Another view of the living room that shows our front door.

Yet another view of the living room. The door on the right leads to our utility room which leads to the garage. The utility room is also home to our new massive washer and dryer...well, our new massive dryer anyway. The washer was broken upon delivery so Best Buy had to order a new one for us. Our run-in with Best Buy is a completely different story in itself. All I can say is that I don't think I'll be frequenting the store anymore. Watch out for a short guy they call "Mini-Me" in the appliance dept. You've been warned. A turn to the right from the living room leads to our main hallway.

This is our kitchen. The door on the left contains coats and games, the door on the right is our walk-in pantry. We're planning on getting some stools for the island. We even have a nice little deck with a privacy fence. It's going to be a great summer for cooking out!

This is what our kitchen looks like now. The table is now filled with miscellaneous materials so we usually eat standing up at the island, which obviously no longer houses my computer tower. Note the box on the lower left in the picture. This is full of Vincent's jam supply. He truly believes in "stock-up sales." The night that we finally had the pantry stocked and organized, we had a tornado threat. As the sirens went off, Vincent and I hid in the pantry and took all of the jars off of the shelves so that we wouldn't get hurt if they fell on us. His idea...I would've never thought of that. I'm lucky that he's great in a crisis situation. It would have been awful for us to have to go to the hospital because we had a jar of jam embedded in our heads.

This is the master bedroom. The door on the left is the master bathroom and the door on the right leads back to the hallway. This is the biggest of the three bedrooms in the house. One of the others is the guest bedroom and the third bedroom is V's work-out room. Lookin' buff, Vincent!
This is my closet...before it was full of clothes and shoes. My closet is huge! So big, in fact, that Vincent has to use two other closets for all of his crap.
This is what my closet looks like full of my junk. My mom had to help me organize it because I like clothes and I like shoes. We were trying to count how many pairs of shoes that I have but we had to stop at 50. The clothes and the shoes run along the entire length of the closet. You should see the amount of stuff that I gave away! Coutoure is a hard habit to break!

This is a great shot of the guys moving stuff into the house. My friend Joe is the one in the truck, my step-brother-to-be is the one standing outside of the truck watching Joe, the guy chillin' with the beer is Dave, one of Vincent's co-workers and the guy who looks dark is Vincent's old duplex-mate, Troy. I think that moving all of our stuff wore them out. They really did deserve a break.
These are more members of the moving crew. Back row: My step-dad-to-be, Joe, my step-brother-to-be, Lance, and Vincent Front Row: My cousin-in-law Debi (who packs like a mo-fo! You should've seen how much stuff she could fit in one van!) and my cousin, Tim.
These are the "BIG GUNS"! Joe, Dave, Vincent, Jim, and Victor
THANKS again to everyone who helped us with the move and who has helped us to get settled in. We really appreciate all of the support. Feel free to visit anytime...unless we're doin' it. Just in case, you should really call first.
Love, Jodi and Vincent